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What Happens During a Dental Cleaning?

dental cleanings

Good oral health is essential for your overall health. To maintain your oral health and help maintain your overall health, regular dental cleanings are vital. Today, our oral health experts at Southside Medical Center in Atlanta, GA are discussing what you can expect during a dental cleaning to help ease any anxiety you may have about the treatment.

What Happens During a Dental Cleaning? 

During your dental cleaning, your mouth will be examined with the help of a small mirror. The health of your teeth and gums will be evaluated, and we will look for indicators of gingivitis and other oral health conditions. Then, the small mirror and a scaler will be used to rid your mouth of plaque and tartar. First, we will remove plaque and tartar from your gum lines. After that, we will clean between your teeth.

Once the plaque and tartar have been removed from your mouth, we will clean your teeth with a powerful electric toothbrush. It will be loud, but you will not feel any pain. The toothpaste we use is gritty, but it smells and tastes like normal toothpaste. After your teeth have been brushed, we will floss your teeth and have you rinse your mouth out with a fluoridated mouthwash. Finally, we will administer a fluoride treatment.

How Long Does a Dental Cleaning Take? 

Usually, a dental cleaning takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete. Your appointment will only take around half an hour if your oral health is good. If you have a lot of plaque and tartar that needs to be removed, the scraping part of the treatment will take longer than if you have little plaque and tartar. Your dental cleaning may take closer to an hour. Your appointment will also take longer if we need to take x-rays of your mouth.

How Often Should You Get Dental Cleanings? 

It is generally advisable to get dental cleanings every six months. However, you should keep in mind that everyone is unique. If you have poor oral health, you may want to come in every three months until your oral health improves. If you have excellent oral health, you may be able to come in every nine to 12 months and keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Do I Need To Do Anything To Prepare for a Dental Cleaning? 

Before your dental cleaning, you should use toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Also, you should not smoke or consume any tobacco-containing products for at least three hours before your appointment.

Is There Anything I Should Do After My Dental Cleaning? 

After your dental cleaning, you should go at least half an hour without eating or drinking. This gives the fluoride time to bond with the enamel of your teeth. If you feel thirsty after your treatment, sip on plain water through a straw. Drinking fizzy or acidic beverages will rinse the fluoride out of your mouth before you can reap the benefits of the fluoride treatment.

It is also essential that you do not consume anything hot within four hours of your fluoride treatment. Piping-hot coffee, soup, and other hot foods and beverages can completely dissolve the applied fluoride. Another important aftercare guideline to follow is to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean your teeth and gums gently after you eat post-cleaning.

What Are the Benefits of Routine Dental Cleanings? 

There are many benefits of getting regular dental cleanings. One of the most compelling benefits is that it can prevent cavities. Every night, an acidic film called plaque builds up on your teeth and consumes your tooth enamel. Over time, if you do not remove all of the plaque from your mouth, cavities can develop. Additionally, plaque can become tartar, a hard substance that flossing and brushing cannot remove.

Getting a professional dental cleaning every six months or so can also mitigate the risk of tooth loss. If enough plaque builds up, you can develop gum disease, one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss. A dental cleaning can help in that it can improve your oral health before you develop gum disease. Alternatively, a dental cleaning can treat gum disease before it develops long enough to damage your jaw bones and result in tooth loss.

Can a Dental Cleaning Whiten My Smile? 

You can also expect to whiten and brighten your smile with a professional dental cleaning. With the cutting-edge tools and equipment used during a dental cleaning, the stains that build up on your teeth due to consuming wine, tea, coffee, and tobacco products can be removed.

What Medical Conditions Can Occur Due to Poor Oral Hygiene? 

Poor oral health can lead to the development of many medical conditions, including endocarditis, heart disease, pneumonia, and birth complications. Endocarditis is an endocardium infection that occurs when germs and bacteria from your mouth travel through your bloodstream to the valves and chambers inside your heart. Pneumonia can develop due to poor oral hygiene because bacteria from your mouth can travel to your lungs.

Poor oral health can also cause heart and brain problems. For example, oral bacteria has been linked to stroke, heart disease, and clogged arteries. More research needs to be done on the connection between heart and brain health and oral health, though. Some of the birth complications that can result due to poor oral health include low birth weight and premature birth.

Can Medical Conditions Affect My Oral Health? 

Several medical conditions can affect your oral health. For example, gum disease is more severe and more common in people with diabetes. Other conditions that negatively affect oral health include Alzheimer’s disease, HIV, AIDs, and osteoporosis.

Schedule Your Dental Hygiene Appointment Today

During dental cleanings, the health of your gums and teeth will be examined. Then, plaque and tartar will be removed from your gum lines and between your teeth. After that, your teeth will be brushed, flossed, rinsed with fluoride, and treated with fluoride. If it has been six months or more since your last dental cleaning, schedule a dental cleaning with us today at Southside Medical Center in Atlanta, GA.

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