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Why Are Adult Medicine Specialists Important?

adult medicine

Having a competent and friendly doctor you can call when you’re not feeling well is invaluable. Not only can they treat most common illnesses, but they will also know the right specialist to refer you to if further tests are necessary. Here at Southside Medical Center in Atlanta, GA, we provide adult medicine for all our patients over the age of 18.

Once you no longer need to see a pediatrician, it’s best to work with a doctor who has studied adult health. They can guide you through the life phases you’re going to experience, from early adulthood to your middle years and beyond. As highly trained professionals, they will help you whenever you run into a medical issue that doesn’t resolve itself. In particular, they can also assist you with women’s health or men’s health concerns.

Why Adult Medicine Specialists Are Crucial for Your Health 

Studies have shown that people who have a great relationship with their physician are more likely to seek out treatment when they need it. As a result, conditions can be caught early and therefore addressed much more efficiently. This not only saves the patient and the healthcare system money, but it can have an effect on your quality of life or, in the most extreme cases, even save the person’s life.

For this reason, everyone should have access to a great doctor who specializes in adult health. We at Southside Medical Center take pride in providing our patients access to several such specialists, all of whom are highly qualified. Whenever you need the assistance of a doctor, you should reach out and book an appointment. This will allow you to get to know the team and receive the treatment you need.

They Have the Specific Knowledge Needed

Our needs change over time, and we don’t require the same care when we are children as when we become adults. That’s why choosing a doctor who has experience with your life stage is important. A great adult health practitioner has built up a lot of knowledge related to the different phases we go through. In your 20s and 30s, they might help you with long-term conditions like diabetes, mental health challenges such as depression, or your sexual health.

As you approach your 40s and 50s, you will start to experience some changes to your body. Illnesses like high blood pressure, arthritis, and osteoporosis may start to make an appearance. In your 60s and beyond, your physician will help you to cope with the growing aches and pains that come with aging. Throughout your life, they will also emphasize the role a healthy diet and exercise plays in keeping you fit.

They Have Great Qualifications 

We thoroughly vet all our doctors before deciding to work with them. That way, you can be sure that anyone you see will be highly qualified and have attended one of the best medical schools in the area. What’s more, our physicians are part of professional organizations that keep them informed about innovations and changes in their field. As a result, you can benefit from the most up-to-date and innovative care possible.

They Perform a Variety of Services 

Unlike many other professionals, your adult health doctor is knowledgeable about a wide range of topics related to your health. They can diagnose and treat many different illnesses, including the flu and colds, gastrointestinal problems, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and men’s health or women’s health problems. They will also be happy to regularly perform a general physical exam on you, perhaps once a year or every two years.

In addition to these regular services, your doctor can also help you with getting your shots. People over the age of 50 are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases like the flu or Coronavirus, so it can be worth coming to the clinic to get your jab. If you’re getting married and would like to have tests done, you can do so at Southside Medical Center. What’s more, we also do drug testing for work purposes, for example if you’re starting a new job.

They Can Refer You to Another Doctor 

Sometimes, your adult medicine provider won’t be the right person to talk to, and they will refer you to someone else. This could be the case if you have a problem that is very specific, such as a mental health issue, a skin concern that is out of the ordinary, or an injury that requires physio or rehab. You might also be referred to a specialist if a bigger problem is suspected.

The initial consultation at our clinic serves as a screening. We will have a look at your symptoms and determine whether they can easily be treated or whether they could indicate the need for further testing. In the former case, you’ll be prescribed some medicine or given instructions, and in the latter case, your doctor can suggest a more specialized physician for you to see.

When Should You See Your Adult Health Professional? 

You can see your adult medicine doctor whenever you feel unwell, or you believe that you might have a medical issue. In particular, you should come to the clinic if you have problems performing your normal tasks, either at home or at work. This could indicate a mental or physical health problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Similarly, persistent symptoms that don’t go away after one or two weeks should be checked out by a professional. No matter what the issue is, you can come speak to your doctor, and we will take it from there.

You Can’t Perform Your Normal Tasks

Any health problem that stops you from participating in your normal activities should be addressed quickly. For example, if you hurt your foot or arm and are now unable to use it, you need to see a doctor because it might be broken. Although many of these issues will be visible and have a clear cause, this isn’t always the case.

Sometimes, you might be lethargic and fatigued due to various factors such as a mental health concern, dehydration, or a vitamin deficiency. By speaking to your doctor, you can find out what the problem is and then take appropriate actions.

Your Symptoms Persist 

A normal illness, such as the flu or a gastrointestinal problem, should start to get better after a few days or a week. At the latest, you should contact your local clinic if you’ve been unwell for two weeks. Being very unwell for a prolonged amount of time can lead to long-term consequences, and it could also indicate that there is an underlying health issue.

The same goes for musculoskeletal problems. If you strain a muscle or sprain a joint, your symptoms will start to recede after around two weeks. However, this isn’t the case for injuries that include the ligaments, bones, or joint deterioration. Delayed healing could be a symptom of a more serious problem that needs to be treated by your doctor.

You Have Intimate Health Problems 

Throughout your adult life, you will need to take care of your intimate health. In your 20s and 30s, this might involve making decisions about birth control and having children. As they grow older, women will experience menopause and a number of related symptoms. Men, on the other hand, might start to struggle with erectile dysfunction or reduced sexual health, as the levels of testosterone in their body decrease.

All these changes are normal, and most people experience them over time. Don’t be afraid to speak to us about your intimate health because our doctors have extensive training in this field. They will be able to point you in the right direction, no matter what the problem is.

Talk to a Health Specialist Today 

An adult medicine practitioner specializes in working with people over the age of 18. These professionals understand the different life stages you will go through, and they can treat you for a wide variety of conditions. What’s more, they are connected to a network of other specialists, so they can refer you to an expert or a hospital whenever you have an issue that needs further investigation.

Get in touch with us now at Southside Medical Center in Atlanta, GA to book your first appointment with one of our doctors, who can evaluate and treat your symptoms. We are one of the leading healthcare providers in the area, aiming to provide all our patients with high-quality, affordable care. As such, we offer our service to a wide variety of people and are happy to adjust to your specific needs.

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