Willpower is important, but if it’s not properly directed, your weight loss journey may stall out well before you hit your goal. Weight loss is much more nuanced and individualized than most people give it credit for, and goes well beyond the well-intended, but reductive “calories in versus calories out” concept.
At Southside Medical Center of Atlanta, GA, we take a medicalized, individualized approach to weight loss education, with the goal of painting a much more holistic and realistic picture of the causes, exacerbating factors, and actual solutions of unwanted weight gain.
Whether you’ve been struggling through fad diet after fad diet or if you are seeking more consistent diabetes management techniques, our weight management classes will meet you where you are and offer real, actionable steps to make lasting change.
Why Take a Class?
Isn’t weight loss just a “forehead palm” kind of concept? Isn’t it just a matter of exercising regularly and cutting your caloric intake? What could a weight loss class teach someone that they don’t already know?
While diet and exercise are obviously essential parts of the process, they don’t paint the entire picture. Everybody’s metabolism is unique, along with each person’s physiological response to food and unique overall health status, meaning we need to broaden our scope if any given program is to work for longer than a few weeks. Similarly, even go-to weight loss program pillars like diet and exercise are not as simple as blanket restrictions on calories. When, how, and what you eat, regardless of calorie content, significantly affects how your body metabolizes and stores fat.
Southside Medical Center’s weight loss classes are designed to provide this more mindful and well-informed perspective, not with the aim of helping you drop 10 pounds quickly, but to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage your weight and overall health for the rest of your life. We offer classes both for diabetics and non-diabetics, as each scenario carries its own unique elements.
What Are the Different Kinds of Weight Management Classes Available?
First and foremost, diabetes is a complex condition for which weight management is just a piece of effectively managing your overall health.
Diabetes Self Management Classes
Our Diabetes Self Management Classes focus on a holistic set of self-management techniques for people with diabetes, including advice on fiber intake, how and how often to exercise, how to identify the many forms of sugar on food labels and manage your intake, and much more.
Everything from meal frequency to blood sugar monitoring practices and more is covered in this beginner-friendly class, which is designed to promote self-sufficiency for long-term diabetes management.
Weight Management Classes
For non-diabetics seeking to achieve and maintain a healthier weight, our general weight management classes provide all of the guidance and motivation you need to make the right decisions consistently.
These classes include nutrition counseling and education, guidance on proper exercise, sleep and hydration habits, and importantly, all the support you need to feel confident and encouraged as you go along your weight loss journey. We know how difficult and sometimes isolating it can feel to embark (and stay on) a weight loss program. That’s why we structure our classes not only for their educational value, but to show you that you aren’t alone, and that you have a partner who genuinely cares about your well-being.
Who Are Weight Management Classes For?
You don’t have to be morbidly obese to benefit from weight management classes. In fact, even those who are only a few pounds overweight still stand to benefit greatly from weight management classes, as they are structured not just to help you lose weight, but to learn and adopt a set of practices conducive to comprehensive, long-term wellness.
Our objective at Southside Medical Center is to provide you with a more accurate and realistic perspective of what weight management looks like for your unique situation. When you understand the true causes of weight gain and the barriers to weight loss that you might not be aware of, you’re empowered to take a “smarter, not harder” approach to reorienting your routine for weight loss purposes.
How to Maintain Your Results After Class Is Over
The single most important principle when it comes to keeping your weight at a healthy level after achieving your ideal body weight is consistency. Human psychology can be a fickle thing, especially when it comes to the emotional relationship we have with food, so vigilantly tracking your emotional state and how it informs your eating habits is an excellent way to spot vulnerabilities. For example many people are more vulnerable to temptation late at night, and/or when we are overtired, and/or when we are stressed at work, etc.
Finally, incorporating self-forgiveness is key for when accidents inevitably do happen. Each time you fall, get back up quickly, and you’ll have made the difference up in no time.
Embrace Who You Were Meant to Be With Weight Loss Management Classes at Southside Medical Center of Atlanta, GA
We understand that every person’s weight loss journey is unique. We’re all motivated by different things, and we each have a unique interpretation of what success looks like.
At Southside Medical Center, we tailor our weight loss management classes not as cookie-cutter programs, but as a resource that you can use and adapt to take command of your own health in your own way.
Contact us today, and we’ll connect you with a weight loss management class that will empower you for a brighter and more confident future.