You can donate today by clicking on the donate button below
Matching Your Donations
Do you or anyone in your family work for a company which matches their employees’ gifts to charities?
- American Express
- AT&T, Avon
- Bank of America
- Best Buy
- BP
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- CarMax
- Choice Hotels
- Cisco
- Coca-Cola
- Costco
- Dell
- ExxonMobil
- Gap Corporation
- General Electric
- Home Depot
- Kraft Foods
- Macy’s, Pfizer
- Publix
- Office Depot
- Sam’s Club/Walmart
- Target
- Verizon
- Wells Fargo
Here are just a few of the Atlanta area companies who match their employees’ gifts! Even if your informationbest replica watch site employer is not mentioned above, they may still match your donation to Southside Medical Center. Check with your Human Resources department. If you have questions about the SMC Matching Donation Program please contact Keisha Williams at 404-564-6850.
Thank you in advance for your donation!