Adult medicine in Atlanta is for individuals who are above the age of 18 and require care from a family or internal medicine practitioner. Internal medicine specialists are responsible for correct diagnosis, treatment and compassionate care of adults. Their spectrum ranges from routine health illnesses to various complex diseases. Southside Medical Center in Atlanta has a highly trained staff and medical professionals to diagnose and treat a myriad spectrum of health diseases.
What Services Fall Under Adult Medicine?
There are many primary care services that are included under this category of medicine in Atlanta. These include general physical exams, flu shots, and other routine treatments. These also include treatment and counseling for various heart conditions, hypertension, and diseases such as diabetes.
How is Internal Medicine Structured?
Basic internal medicine training follows medical school and involves three years of residency. Some internists undertake fellowship that involves training in a more focused area of internal medicine. This is also termed as sub-specialize. Many internists practice adult medicine in Atlanta after undergoing 3 to 7 years of medical school and postgraduate training. Fellowship allows an internal medicine doctor to manage complex medical issues and clinical procedures.
How is Internal Medicine Different From Family Medicine?
Internists are not general practitioners or family physicians, even though they may act as primary care physicians. This is because doctors of internal medicine are solely concerned with adult medicine.
Where Can I Find Adult Medicine in Atlanta?
Call Southside Medical Center in Atlanta to book an appointment regarding adult medicine. Contact us today to set up your consultation!