Maintaining excellent health is crucial in adulthood. At Southside Medical Center in Atlanta, GA, you can receive a broad range of treatments and services from our adult medicine practitioners. We can help you prevent illnesses and manage a range of pre-existing conditions. Our goal is to provide you with the best care so you can live a quality life. Let’s talk about the treatments you can expect when you work with our providers.
What Treatments Are Included in Adult Medicine?
Our adult medicine practitioners have many years of experience in treating chronic illnesses. We offer treatments that include disease management, health monitoring, and prevention. By addressing your individual concerns and providing high-quality treatments, we can help you secure a healthier future and improve your current quality of life.
Lifestyle Management
Managing your overall lifestyle is crucial in maintaining health and wellness. Did you know that chronic health problems often result from a lack of proper nutrition and adequate rest? We can provide you with personalized guidance and recommendations to promote a healthy lifestyle. To do this, we will carefully review your health history and assess your risk factors.
By offering professional counseling and overseeing your non-surgical treatments, we can help you develop positive eating habits and maintain a healthy, sustainable balance. Many of those who seek our lifestyle management programs successfully reach their goal weight, manage medical conditions, and live a more satisfying life.
Chronic Disease Management
Do you suffer from chronic health conditions? If you have chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, and hypertension, we can help you manage your condition and prescribe suitable treatments. Additionally, our providers can address your symptoms and keep your health under control.
Diabetes Management
Diabetes management is a long-term process. We can work with you to consistently monitor your blood sugar levels and maintain optimum health. As part of our treatment programs, you can receive blood glucose testing, medication, nutrition and exercise counseling, and insulin.
High Blood Pressure Management
Do you have high blood pressure? We can help you manage your condition and keep it under control. Our adult medicine experts will consider your overall health, risk factors, and symptoms. Our treatment programs can include lifestyle changes and medication to help you achieve a better balance.
For example, to manage your hypertension, we can make recommendations to modify your diet, physical activities, and lifestyle habits such as alcohol and tobacco use. The goal of the treatment is to stabilize your blood pressure while protecting your organs, especially the heart, from further damage.
High Cholesterol Management
Managing your cholesterol levels can feel overwhelming. Our providers can give you the care, guidance, and support you need. We can keep track and help measure your HDL, LDL, and triglycerides so you can stay on top of your health. By offering treatment programs and medication to keep your cholesterol levels stable, we can work with you to help you achieve a better quality of life.
Health Services Provided by Our Adult Medicine Specialists
Annual Physical Exams
It’s important to identify risk factors for diseases so they can be treated in the early stages. By performing annual physical examinations, we can help you stay healthy, especially as you age. Our adult medicine providers perform annual physical examinations so you can receive the necessary guidance and care. We will work to ensure that you can be confident about the future of your health.
If you have any health-related concerns, it’s best to discuss them during your annual physical exam. We’d be happy to listen to and answer all your concerns so you can take control and be aware of your health status.
What’s Included in the Examination
We start by reviewing your personal and family medical history. We’ll also ask you about any symptoms you may be experiencing. Are you taking any medication or supplements? These pieces of information help us see a clear picture of your health status.
The physical examination also involves taking your blood pressure and measuring your weight. Additionally, we will use a stethoscope to evaluate the condition of your eyes, ears, throat, lungs, and heart. Diagnostic tests such as urinalysis or blood exam may be performed based on your health condition and needs. By the end, we’ll provide you with professional guidance and address any issues that we have uncovered.
The immune system makes antibodies that fight off illnesses. Through immunization or vaccination, we can help you support your immune system and protect you against diseases. Some vaccines can provide lifelong protection for specific conditions, but others require “boosters” to maintain efficacy.
We offer vaccinations that that can be given as a single dose or series. Some of them include:
Shingles Vaccine
Shingles is a serious disease that damages your nerves. Have you suffered from chickenpox? If so, it’s not unlikely for you to develop shingles later in life. We provide shingles vaccine suitable for people who are 50 years old and above.
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine
Those who are 60 years old and above might need a vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella to stay immune. In most cases, a single vaccine covers all three types of disease.
Hepatitis A and B Vaccines
Hepatitis affects the functioning of the liver. Adults of all ages can get protection from hepatitis by getting the vaccine in two or three doses.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
Vaccinations can protect you from pneumonia, especially if you are aged 65 years or older. If you’ve received the pneumococcal vaccine earlier in life, you’ll need another dose when you turn 65.
Flu Shot
Influenza is a common illness that can strain the immune system. To protect yourself from prevalent strains of the flu, we recommend that you have an annual flu shot to give your body the protection it needs to fight off the flu.
Drug Testing
You may require drug testing for many reasons. Employers, courts, and other health facilities may require drug testing to learn about your drug use or to discover a potential overdose. If you have medical issues, a doctor may ask for drug testing to know if some of the drugs you’ve taken can interact with a prescription.
Most drug tests are simple. It usually consists of providing a urine sample in a small container, which is then taken to a lab for analysis. It can take a few hours up to a few days for your results to be ready.
Health Screenings
Health screenings are not just performed when you are suffering from symptoms. To prevent serious illnesses and diseases from progressing, we may require health screenings from time to time. Medical tests help us perform preventive healthcare. When you have routine screenings, it’s easier for us to make an early diagnosis when you do develop a certain medical condition. Early diagnosis and treatment are the keys to better treatment outcomes.
Additionally, regular screenings allow us to compare and monitor your results over a given period. We can prevent diseases by making early interventions, such as lifestyle modification. The types of health screenings you’ll need depend on your family and medical history. If we see that you have risk factors for a certain disease, we can prescribe health screenings specific to that condition. For example, we can recommend a regular colonoscopy if you have a family history of colon cancer.
How To Make the Best Out of Your Adult Medicine Consultations
Are you interested in any of our treatment programs and services? We want you to get the best care possible. Here are some suggestions that will help you make the best out of your consultations and appointments:
- Write down any questions or concerns that you have
- Keep track of your eating and exercising habits
- Inform us about vitamins and supplements you take
- Think about your healthcare goals
When seeking care or undergoing any of our treatments, it’s important you feel heard, respected, and prioritized. That’s why we always take the time to speak to you and get to know you first. Our success lies in keeping you as healthy and happy as possible.
Schedule an Appointment With an Adult Medicine Specialist
Early diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions are the keys to longevity. Our providers are here to give you the best care and treatment available. Visit us at Southside Medical Center in Atlanta, GA, and let’s discuss your health concerns and needs. We look forward to working with you and making it so much easier to live a healthy lifestyle!